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From the President: January 2023

To say that I am incredibly humbled and grateful for the opportunity to serve as president of the Arkansas Municipal League

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Dear colleagues and friends,

To say that I am incredibly humbled and grateful for the opportunity to serve as president of the Arkansas Municipal League is an understatement. I so appreciate the calls, texts and emails of encouragement and support that I’ve received. My journey to this organization began in 2010, not long after being sworn into office as a new city council member in my beloved hometown. Of course, I had plenty to learn and began attending workshops and conventions. In 2017, I had the opportunity to become mayor and the rest is, well, you know. At every step of the way, the officers, staff and members of the League have been an amazing group of mentors and friends. I know that many of you feel the same way and are as thankful as I am to have the best League in the country available to us.

It’s hard to believe that we are now in 2023. Though we don’t seem to be dealing with the pandemic in the same way as we have the past few years, much of the upheaval from it and other world events continues to cause difficulty. Inflation is taking a toll on families across the country, and mental health issues plague far too many people. That list could go on. Sometimes it feels as though there isn’t much we can do. But the truth is, there is. In the seeming chaos of our current world, we must focus, first and foremost, on our own communities and meet our own people right where they are. “Great cities make a great state” isn’t just a motto. It is a truth that we as municipal officials should cling to as we go about our daily work. By ensuring that our communities are the best that they can be, we can help our friends and neighbors be at their best, too.

So here we are, ready to get started in the new year! You’ll want to be certain that new and returning officials are sworn into office properly. Make sure you’ve adopted your municipal budget, and remember that there are several specific items of business to take care of in that first public meeting of the year. Information on these things and more can be found in the pages of this issue, and of course there are knowledgeable League staff members who can advise you further. Take advantage of that help and get your community off to a strong and proper start this year.

We have a host of newly elected state officials, from the governor’s office on into the state legislature. Now is the time to reach out to them. Introduce yourself to those you don’t yet know, and reestablish lines of communication with those you do. Legislative action will be underway soon, and I cannot stress enough how important it is for your legislators to know your name, and to know that when you call on them, it is important.

Finally, I want to take a moment to thank our outgoing president, Mayor Virginia Young, and other officers for their service not only to the League, but to their communities. We all know what it takes to fill these roles and do this important work. Their dedication is to be commended.

Thank you again, friends, for this honor. I will give it my absolute best, and I ask for your prayers and continued friendship as I do so. I look forward to visiting with many of you at the 2023 Winter Conference.

For greater communities and a greater state,

Jonas Anderson
Mayor, Cave City
President, Arkansas Municipal League


Further Reading