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From the President: Autumn 2023

It’s hard to imagine that we are already in October! To be honest, I’m still thinking back to August and how incredible the annual planning meeting was that we hosted here in Cave City.

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Dear colleagues and friends,

It’s hard to imagine that we are already in October! To be honest, I’m still thinking back to August and how incredible the annual planning meeting was that we hosted here in Cave City. We don’t have lodging options for the 70-plus who attended, so I took the opportunity to showcase not only my hometown but the great friendships and partnerships I’ve developed with my friends just a few miles to the south in Batesville. Mayor Rick Elumbaugh and his Executive Assistant Jennifer Corter wasted no time in offering to help, from hotel options to advice on sponsorships and venues for a couple of our events. I am so grateful for their continued friendship and mentorship over the years I’ve been involved in local government.

The first night, we gathered at a great pizzeria in Batesville’s historic downtown district, and then walked a block or so to take in a private showing of Back to the Future at the historic Melba Theater, co-owned by some dear friends of mine. The concessions were flowing, and it was so much fun! The following day, we met in a historic Cave City building turned event space and restaurant, with lunch, a true master class on all things Cave City Watermelon (thanks to two of our registered growers), and a fantastic tour of our historic motor court and underground cave in the center of town. We finished the night back in Batesville at a restaurant overlooking the beautiful White River.

I want to thank the Bank of Cave City and First Community Bank for each sponsoring events during our meeting. Their partnership was needed and appreciated. Of course, there was a lot of meeting time over the three days, as we discussed League operations, goals and priorities, and then made decisions that set our course for the coming year. By all accounts our time together was a great success, and I hope that attendees left with a sense of what it’s like to be in a city that is, as I often say, in an exciting period of growth and transition. It was an absolute pleasure to host all who attended.

Speaking of transition, we’re well into fall here in Arkansas. The scenery and weather are changing. Our schedules and pacing have likely changed a bit from the summer months, especially for those of us with kids and grandkids who occupy our daily routines. If, like me, you have a career in addition to your public service role, you likely notice a change in that workplace during this time. Everywhere we look, there is change and a sense of transition to be found, right? What do we do with that, especially when it is outside of our comfort zone? I hope that in your city you can meet a new challenge or a new season with creativity and excitement. Seek out the opportunities waiting to be found. The same should be true for our beloved League. Think of the changes it has undergone in the last 89 years. Think of the changes it will undergo in the next 89! I pray we are always able and willing to embrace and direct the changes that come into a positive outcome, in a way that upholds the high standards our League is known for, and in a way that fulfills our obligation of cooperative service to each other, the great cities and towns of Arkansas. We are all in this together, after all, and we are certainly better off when we remember that above all else. 

It’s time to register for our Winter Conference, which will be held January 10-12, 2024, in Little Rock. This is one of my favorite things about being involved with our League: the chance to gather for several days to learn, network and just have a good time together with so many like-minded public servants from across the state. I hope you won’t miss it.

You also have a great opportunity to join some of us in Atlanta at the National League of Cities’ City Summit event next month. Your League membership includes an NLC membership too, and this is an amazing chance to network with peers from across the country and learn invaluable information to use back home. Visit or reach out to our League staff for more information.

Finally, I want to let you know that I continue to be so honored to help lead this organization during my term as your president. The Arkansas Municipal League is so much bigger than any one member, city or town, officer, committee or staff member. We are a team, standing on the shoulders of those who have come before us and paving the way for those who will come after. The mission and values of the League were in place long before we arrived and, by the grace of God, will be here long after we are all gone. Just as I encourage you to do for your own cities and towns, tell the good story of this organization any time you have the chance. Let your community members know why it is critical to be present and engaged. Let your legislators know. Let your fellow local elected officials know. What we are doing here, together, does matter and is making a difference, and I’m thankful to be a part of it all. Please feel free to reach out to me if I can be of service to you, or even if you just want to chat!

For greater communities and a greater state,

Jonas Anderson
Mayor, Cave City
President, Arkansas Municipal League

Further Reading